Finkelstein Lab

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The group
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Where it's 15mK
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SEM image of a device

Welcome to the Electronic Nanostructures Group

We study low temperature, low dimensional electron transport in quantum nanostructures. Our research interests span from quantum dots, to the interplay of superconductivity and quantum Hall effect, to multi-terminal Josephson junctions and thermal transport. Side interests include discovering novel ways of opening macadamia nuts, ghost Google doodle game, and fermentation processes.

Latest News

We are recruiting graduate students. Please contact Prof. Gleb Finkelstein for more information.

June 2024
Our paper on thermal properties of superconductor-quantum Hall interfaces is out on arXiv! This exciting paper combines prior work on superconductor-quantum Hall interfaces with our developments in thermal noise measurements.

May 2024
We've welcomed two new undergraduates into the lab for summer REU programs! They're learning quickly and we're excited to see what they can do!

May 2024
It was nice to see former grad student Ethan back in the lab! He visited us from his new position at MIT and shared some exciting results!

March 2024
Our paper on nonlocal transport measurements in hybrid quantum Hall-superconducting devices was accepted to PRB! This is the latest paper in our series of work on interactions between quantum Hall edge states and superconductors--stay tuned for more!

March 2024
Our group had a great time attending the APS March Meeting in Minneapolis! We presented four talks on our recent work and had some enriching conversations with other attendees.

December 2023
We enjoyed getting to see our former grad student Trevyn! He visited us from NIST and talked to us about his exciting new research directions while offering some expert advice on our ongoing projects!

October 2023
Our paper on loss and decoherence at quantum Hall-superconductor interfaces was accepted to PRL! Check out our page on supercurrent in the quantum Hall regime for some background on this exciting project!

May 2023
Our paper on a 100% efficiency three-terminal superconducting "triode" was accepted to Nano Letters! Congrats to Johnny on his first paper.

March 2023
The group attended the APS March Meeting in Las Vegas and presented five talks on our recent efforts. Chun-Chia and Johnny enjoyed their first time at the March Meeting!

February 2023
Chun-Chia successfully passed his prelim! Congrats, Chun-Chia!

January 2023
Johnny successfully passed his prelim! Congrats, Johnny!

November 2022
Dr. Lingfei Zhao successfully defended his thesis. Congrats, Lingfei!

November 2022 2022
Lingfei accepted a postdoc position with Crystal Noel at Duke. Congrats, Lingfei!

April 2022
Jordan successfully passed his prelim! Congrats, Jordan!

March 2022
Dr. Trevyn Larson successfully defended his thesis. Congrats, Trevyn!

February 2022
Trevyn accepted a postdoc position with Ray Simmonds at NIST. Congrats, Trevyn!

February 2022
Dr. Ethan Arnault successfully defended his thesis. Congrats, Ethan!

February 2022
Ethan accepted a postdoc position with Dirk Englund at MIT and Kin Chung Fong at Raytheon BBN Technologies. Congrats, Ethan!

January 2022
Former students Dr. Chung-Ting Ke and Dr. Ivan Borzenets started new faculty positions at Academia Sinica in Taiwan and Texas A&M University, respectfully. Congrats to Ting and Ivan!