Finkelstein Lab

Multi-terminal Josephson junctions

Multiterminal Josephson junctions have emerged as a promising platform touching upon a broad array of physical phenomena such as nonlinear/chaotic dynamics, integrated quantum circuit elements, and synthetic topological materials. Indeed, the added complexity of three or more coherent superconducting contacts results in emergent states inaccessible in the constituent junctions.

Our group was the first to study graphene multiterminal junctions where it was found that both dissipative currents and supercurrents can coexist in the same region of graphene. This work was continued by characterizing the multiterminal inverse AC Josephson effect, where the higher dimensionality of the energy-phase landscape gave rise to unexpected fractional Shapiro steps. Most recently, it was discovered that coherent 4 (or more) electron transport can emerge in these devices - generating a robust cos(2\phi) energy dependence, which may be used to create topologically protected qubits.

Related Publications

Nonreciprocal Supercurrents in a Field-Free Graphene Josephson Triode.
J. Chiles, E. G. Arnault, C. Chen, T. F. Q. Larson, L. Zhao, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, F. Amet, and G. Finkelstein
Nano Letters (2023)

Dynamical Stabilization of Multiplet Supercurrents in Multi-terminal Josephson Junctions.
E. G. Arnault, S. Idris, A. McConnell, L. Zhao, T. F. Q. Larson, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, G. Finkelstein, and F. Amet
Nano Letters (2022)

The Multi-terminal Inverse AC Josephson Effect.
E. G. Arnault, T. F. Q. Larson, A. Seredinski, L. Zhao, H. Li, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, I. V. Borzenets, F. Amet, and G. Finkelstein.
Nano Letters (2021)

Supercurrent Flow in Multiterminal Graphene Josephson Junctions
A. W. Draelos, M. T. Wei, A. Seredinski, H. Li, Y. Mehta, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, I. V. Borzenets, F. Amet, G. Finkelstein
Nano Letters (2019)

Corresponding Grad Students: Johnny Chiles (